Frankfurt, Germany
Date of Arrival:
2 May, 2000
May 2, 2000
After the difficult goodbyes with our families at the airport before boarding our plane to Frankfurt, we found out we weren't going to have the greatest flight.
Although we arrived at the airport nearly 3 hours prior to departure, it turned out that Lufthansa had so oversold the flight that we still ended up with the worst seats possible. In the back of the plane. In the middle row. In between two rather large people. What fun. Fortunately, we arrived 10 hours later with our sanity mostly intact. Frankfurt makes it easy to get to downtown from the airport -- we hopped on the S-Bahn (city rail system), which took us practically to our hotel's doorstep.
Our one day in Frankfurt was interesting. As tired as we were from the flight, we forced ourselves to stay awake and walk around in the sun for a bit to help our bodies adjust to the new time zone. Frankfurt isn't a lot different than any big U.S. city -- it's a major financial center, like New York or Chicago, with very little "old Germany" left in it. There are a couple of "older" areas which were either not destroyed by Allied bombs during World War II or rebuilt after the war. These are the Romberberg Square and Sachsenhausen areas.
The Romerberg Square
We did enjoy our stroll through the old Romerberg Square and our admittedly touristy dinner which consisted of schnitzel and sausages at one of the city's "famous" Apfelwein (apple wine) taverns. After that, we pretty much headed back to the hotel and crashed for the night. We were tired, but also excited about our flight to Casablanca, Morocco, early the next afternoon.
View from the River Main
A nice German meal!